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Probate Litigation

Experienced NY Firm Litigates Probate Disputes

Dedicated lawyer represents clients in the New York area during inheritance conflicts

At Law Offices of Michael S. Haber, Mr. Haber is an attorney who advocates on behalf of clients in the New York area and throughout New York who want to ensure that property and wealth are handled in accordance with the desires and instructions of the deceased. If you suspect that a will is fraudulent or invalid, or that an estate is being mismanaged, you have a right to seek remedy in court. Similarly, estate administrators are entitled to defend themselves against accusations of incompetence or unlawful conduct. Our firm represents beneficiaries and executors in estate litigation, seeking favorable resolutions to disputes.

Informed NY attorney guides clients through will challenges

There are several bases for challenging a will. Whether you are alleging misconduct or accused of it, it is important to understand the legal reasons a will may be challenged:

  • Lack of capacity — This ground alleges that the person who signed the will (the “testator”), was not of sound mind at the time the will was created.
  • Undue influence — A will might be invalid if a person with access to and power over the testator used emotional manipulation to gain special consideration in the will.
  • Fraud — This ground alleges that the person who signed the will was deceived about the contents of the document at the time it was drawn up.
  • Void for vagueness — This ground asserts that the terms of the will are open to conflicting interpretations, and it is impossible to know which interpretation is correct. A challenger can seek to prevent all or part of the will from being implemented.

Many probate disputes stem from suspicions that a particular individual took advantage of the deceased and was included in the will to the detriment of the rightful heirs. While the court looks harshly on elder exploitation, all challenges must be supported by reliable evidence. At Law Offices of Michael S. Haber, Michael S. Haber is a  lawyer who will represent your interests in a will contest.

Accomplished counselor helps with claims of executor misconduct

Executors have a fiduciary duty to manage the assets of an estate according to the wishes of the decedent, for the benefit of the beneficiaries. The fiduciary must act in total accordance with the terms of the will so that assets are not lost due to waste, fraud, misallocation or mismanagement. Beneficiaries may challenge alleged misconduct and demand a full account of a fiduciary’s actions. At Law Offices of Michael S. Haber, Mr. Haber is an attorney who has experience on both sides of probate controversies.

Contact an established NY probate litigation firm

Probate conflicts can be damaging if they are not managed by experienced and knowledgeable legal counsel. At Law Offices of Michael S. Haber, Mr. Haber attorney provides capable representation for beneficiaries and fiduciaries throughout New York. Call 212-791-6240 or contact us online to schedule a consultation at our New York office.

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  • New York Office
    11 Broadway
    Suite 615
    New York, NY 10004
    Phone: 212-791-6240